HE Alexi Gunasekera , the Consul General of Sri Lanka to Dubai and the Northern Emirates, during the organic and natural food expo Dubai, talked to Trade Fair Arabia’s residence editor, Shaneer N Siddiqui on Sri Lankan company’s participation and role of the organic food industry to support the growth and economy of Sri Lanka.
Shaneer N Siddiqui : My first question is, how organic is Sri Lanka?
HE Alexi Gunasekera : Sri Lanka In the past was 100% organic, but over time, you know, population growth and all these scientific things, we became using more and more chemical things. Even for tea, rubber, coconut, for all food crops, we started using chemicals, but then the government decided with all these climate change conferences, we are playing a major role in that as well. That we need to go organic. To go organic, you cannot do it overnight with a population of 22 million. Sri Lanka is a net food importer, for a net food importer, it’s not that easy to change, but gradually we are changing. Now the government has started that process, a few years back, slowly we are introducing organic food, and we are educating the public as well.

Shaneer N Siddiqui : What challenges you are facing while adopting the organic food lifestyle? HE Alexi Gunasekera : When you start introducing this kind of
organic thing, what matters most is the price. If the price is very high, people are people cannot afford to buy organic products, so they tend to go for chemicals. But to reduce the cost of organic production. We must find alternatives. Earlier we were importing organic fertilizer, but now Sri Lanka is producing organic fertilizer
Shaneer N Siddiqui : How many Sri Lankan companies are participating in the organic and natural food expo Dubai 2023?
HE Alexi Gunasekera : 16 companies are participating in this expo, out of 16 companies 10 companies are in the organic fertilizers that show interest, and enthusiasm in Sri Lanka for organic fertilizer. People started organic food and surely will go 100% organic, but it will take time.
Shaneer N Siddiqui : Sri Lanka has a rich history of spices. In old times spices brought traders from all over the world to Sri Lanka. How are you promoting that industry?
HE Alexi Gunasekera : We are promoting Sri Lanka in the tourism arena as a culinary destination. In the past, we were known as a destination that produced the best spices. Now if you look at the history of Sri Lanka, the Portuguese people came to Sri Lanka in the year 1505. They found cinnamon and they said, we are not going to leave. If you look at history, we were known as a spice island in Europe.
Recently cinnamon was renamed Ceylon cinnamon with the geographical indication. The export spice sector is picking up. We want to be exporters of organic food. We want to be self-sufficient in organic food. The agenda to participate in the organic and natural food expo is that we want to showcase to the world that Sri HE Alexi Gunasekera , the Consul General of Sri Lanka to Dubai and the Northern Emirates, during the organic and natural food expo Dubai, talked to Trade Fair Arabia’s residence editor, Shaneer N Siddiqui on Sri Lankan company’s participation and role of the organic food industry to support the growth and economy of Sri Lanka. 12 | Trade fair times arabia | JANUARY 2024 Lanka has a huge opportunity for import. Our government and other supporting bodies are on one page to promote Sri Lanka as an organic country
Shaneer N Siddiqui : using the term organic food, like so many other countries also coming with their products. How Sri Lanka is different or what especially you are offering to the world?
HE Alexi Gunasekera : Why Sri Lanka, so we are organic from basics. The new thing is organic fertilizer for sustainable agriculture, and we are the pioneers in it. Earlier we imported organic fertilizers, but now we are producing them. So you can say Sri Lankan foods are organic from basics.
Sri Lankan food is most authentic and belongs to its geography only. Our organic fruit market is also growing, especially mango and pineapple. We have the island. We are blessed with the soil which gives another flavor to our products. Sri Lankan Chilly is famous for its hotness. Our cashews and tea are always in demand worldwide.
Shaneer N Siddiqui : In the coming future, is the government planning to develop any spice route for better import and export business opportunities?
HE Alexi Gunasekera : We are graphically situated in a very congested, high-demand sea route between East and West. For that, as you said, Sri Lanka offers a good location for transshipment. We were the transshipment hub in the past, but still, we are a good alternative for it. We have a natural border and port; the Colombo port is ranked among one of the best ports in the world.
Shaneer N Siddiqui : In numbers, what are the figures for export in terms of organic food and spices
HE Alexi Gunasekera : The figure for total exports is about 13 billion USD. Apparel comes first with 5.6 billion USD, and spices are about to touch 500 million USD, but it shows the opportunity of the market but for that, we must start cultivating commercially. In Sri Lanka, there were special people called cinnamon peelers. Now we have GI for cinnamon from WTO, which will help to grow the market.
Shaneer N Siddiqui : Apart from Spices and organic food, what are the other areas, which has hidden potential to support the economy?
HE Alexi Gunasekera : The essential oil business has huge potential. Sri Lanka is one of the largest suppliers of essential oils to the perfume industry in France. It is good that essential oils become a lifestyle product, which helps producers back in Sri Lanka. Not only for food, but nowadays essential oils is also commonly used for massages and the spa industry.
Shaneer N Siddiqui : Tourism is another sector in Sri Lanka, which has huge potential. After the major economic crisis, how the government is reviving it?
HE Alexi Gunasekera : Before COVID-19, we were targeting 4.5 million tourists in a year. In 2009, the tourist intake was only 400,000. The Sri Lankan government tried hard and just before covid; we reached 2.2 million. Then a different type of crisis came, and it hit the tourism industry badly. This year we estimated 1.5 million and we achieved it. Soon we will touch the COVID era and surpass it. Sri Lanka believes in quality tourism. Sri Lanka has been promoted as a destination with, the best beaches, wildlife safari with mountains and history. We have all the geographical indicators that help promote tourism. Cruse tourism I mean, medical tourism, wedding tourism, adventure tourism and spiritual tourism. Religious tourism also has a big opportunity
Shaneer N Siddiqui : What will be your message to Sri Lankan expats in UAE?
HE Alexi Gunasekera : The Sri Lankan community in the UAE, amounting to around 300,000 Sri Lankans, is the second largest community of Sri Lankans abroad, with around one-third of them doing white-collar jobs. The remittances from the diaspora heavily support the Sri Lankan economy. Recently 2000 people celebrated their 36th annual get-together, which shows the Sri Lankan expats’ long relationship with UAE. These people have contributed to and supported the development of this country. They are our brand ambassadors. But yes, we must work on the brain drain issue.